Solopreneur with the big dream, I see you. 

I’m Missy McCracken, and I know all about what you’re going through. In case we’ve never met before, let me tell you a little bit about me. . . . 

I am a former lawyer and elite athlete turned Certified Professional  Mindset Success Coach. 

After years of competing as an NCAA Division I All-American swimmer and working with some of the brightest women on the planet, I know one thing to be absolutely true:

You can’t outperform a bad story. You’ll never perform beyond your hidden hurdles and what your mind is telling you is possible.

I’m          , Founder of the Mindset Makeover Matrix(™) Coaching Method. 


I’ve worked in the legal industry for places like the NCAA and in top-notch private law firms, I have advocated for victims as part of the United States Swimming Safe Sport Special Task Force, and I have coached loads of magnificently intelligent and capable women.

We owe it to ourselves (and, quite frankly, to everyone around us) to uncover the mindset trickery that keeps us from going to the next level.

And guess what? 

I saw the same pattern over and over—ambitious, amazing women who stalled out in their careers despite doing everything “right.” 

Elite athletes, driven professional women, and incredibly talented entrepreneurs, all hitting their own self-imposed glass ceilings.


Every woman is constrained by her beliefs and conditioning.


You’re an ambitious woman entrepreneur.

You know you want prosperity and wealth without sacrificing your sanity or joy to get it.

You're driven and highly innovative. You believe it's all possible.

You’re ready for your business to feel like you’re flying down a hill on a bicycle, all sunshine, joyfully hollering, “Look Ma, no hands!”

But instead it feels like you’re pushing your bike up the hill with the brakes on, in the rain. You’ll get there . . . but what a slog.

You’re more than willing to do the work, and you have all the information that you need to succeed. So what gives?

The fact is, as women, we grew up with deep-seated, conditioned beliefs that are buried so far down, we don’t even know that they’re affecting how we show up in the world.

Even if you are familiar with negative mind chatter and can identify all your sabotaging behavior, you have no idea how to make it stop.

There’s so much more to unpack.

Let's get down to business

I offer a unique blend of my Mindset Makeover Matrix coaching system, plus my analytical and problem-solving lawyer background. 

This creates a coaching experience that will help you precisely pinpoint the mental blocks that are stopping you from achieving everything you desire, and give you the tools to break through them.

I bring practical and powerful outcomes to the woo-wooey magic of coaching. 

Let's be honest, listening to podcasts, reading books, and reciting affirmations isn’t going to make your big dreams come true. 

If you haven’t uncovered the mental blocks that keep your mind whispering, “Your affirmation isn’t possible. The success you want isn’t for you,” then there’s only so far that self-help can get you.


I founded the Mindset Makeover Matrix(™) to help catapult women entrepreneurs past the limitations of their minds.

That’s why my passion is helping ambitious women entrepreneurs crack their own glass ceilings. . .  

So they can run a business that they’re proud of, without all the typical mental B.S. and business struggles that come along with solopreneurship.

You don’t need more information, formulas, courses, or external guidance.

Here’s What I Believe About Women and Sovereign Wealth:

I am here to show women how to change the way they think in their business so that it’s easy for them to create the abundance and prosperity that results in the freedom, influence, and wealth they deserve.

When women create their own financial wealth, they show up differently in the world and more powerfully serve everyone in doing so. 

It’s time we commit to the higher vision of what we can be and do. 

The world benefits when women feel empowered to share their gifts and unapologetically earn a first-class living.

I'm ready to take the next step

“I feel empowered to say no to work that doesn’t serve me in my business. I have learned to pause before yes to new projects. I would recommend Missy for her wisdom."

Client Successes

Dorie Eldridge Bell

“Before working with Missy, I was not feeling joy in my life or my business. I had a scarcity mindset. I felt stuck and was thinking small. Now, I have an abundance mindset and I am changing the things that were holding me back.”

Client Successes

Vanessa Mugnaini-Flores,The Strong Fit Life

“I would recommend this program to anyone that wants to make their life and business the best it can possibly be.” 

Client Successes

Donel Selander Hakes, Entrepreneur and Owner of The Treat Boutique, LLC