1:1 Mindset and Success Coaching...

You started your entrepreneurial journey with your rockets of desire launched for massive success—elated and hopeful for the joy, freedom, and abundance that you were going to create. 

Only that’s not exactly the reality you are experiencing. You are starting to earnestly doubt that you have what it takes and are left wondering if the entrepreneurial joy and big bucks are really meant for someone like you.

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Let's take the next step together.

You already have everything you need and you deserve to create the business of your dreams . . . AND it doesn’t have to be hard to get what you want. 

So what does it take to make that dream a reality?

It comes down to a simple 3-step powerful methodology that will uproot your limiting beliefs and conditioning, illuminate your deepest gifts and desires, and entrench a new programming so that you will feel confident taking the action steps that lead to the business of your dreams. 


Your path to mind-blowing success starts with a simple transformation:
My gift to you

Grab a 45-minute “Mindset Assessment Call” with me.

Book My Mindset Assessment Call

Upgraded thought patterns so that you can think joyfully, confidently, positively, and possibility-seeking—which means you get to run your business without judgment, regret, comparison analysis paralysis, or any other mind voodoo. 

Attract more of your ideal clients, launch and sell with ease and grace, price and package without having to consult with every Tom, Dick, and Harry, generate wealth and prosperity—all so that your business can finally feel in flow. 

Confidently step into the power of your gifts and passions, strengthen your connection with your inner guidance system, hardwire your mind for success and take the aligned bold action steps that launch you in the direction you want to go—all so that your dream business finally gets to become your reality. 

Here is what is possible on the other side of coaching


Creating your next level success could start with just one thing!

Let’s discover it together.
Grab a complimentary 45-minute “Mindset Assessment Call” with me.

let's schedule your MINDSET ASSESSMENT CALL


We work together for a minimum of 3 months, meeting for 60 minutes every week (grab a Mindset Makeover Assessment call, and I’ll customize a package just for you if we’re a good fit!).

Doesn’t matter where you are—we can Zoom, FaceTime, or talk on the phone! You just need to provide a distraction-free environment.

You’ll also get direct access to me in between calls via email and Voxer access.

Join my free Facebook community full of my clients using the tools and maintaining their success after working with me—the Mindset Success Lounge.

You will learn how to feel happier, at peace, in control . . . and to create the results that you want. 

This is the coaching experience where woo-woo magic meets the practical tools that change your life forever. 

Book your mindset Assesment Call today

When “fine” is no longer good enough.
My gift to you
Grab a complimentary 45-minute “Mindset Assessment Call” with me.

“Missy taught me how to stop the negative thought loops I’ve allowed myself to be in most of my life. She provided the how-tos and more importantly the brain science and rationales for how you can control your own thoughts and life experiences.As a result of our work together, I am no longer available for people or things that do not make me feel good and happy. I set clear boundaries and enforce them. I have learned that life, love, and work do not have to be hard. I choose my course and I no longer feel the need to explain myself. “ 

Client Successes

Melissa Kerker, Freelance Copywriter

“I tried going to multiple therapists beforehand and nothing worked out. There was a level of comfort working with Missy that was missing with the therapist I saw. Missy knew what it was like to be in my position and it was just what I needed at the time. I gained a lot of self-awareness through working together. Since working with Missy I am able to identify and acknowledge the roots of any struggle I am experiencing and I am empowered to appreciate the journey as much as the outcomes.” 

Client Successes

S.J., E.D. Survivor, Collegiate Athlete, Washington State University 

“Missy’s energy, mindset flip methods, and her incredible ability to see one topic from various angles is unique and special. Working with Missy allowed me to feel more validated and increased my readiness to scale my business. As a result, I was able to raise my prices and add more value for my business and for my clients. Partnering with Missy allowed me to go from self-doubting to more clarity.”

Client Successes

Clara Wang, Owner and Photographer of Clara Wang Photography

“Working with Missy gave me the opportunity to connect to the higher vision of myself and to step into being her almost immediately. This work has allowed me to have an enriched experience of my life. I have clarity around what I want and what it is costing me to not take the action steps to get it. I am now living in integrity with myself. The transformation has been magical to an extent.” 

Client Successes

Nilda Carrasquillo, MPA, CPC, Mindfulness Communication Coach and , Educator/Facilitator at Boricua College

“I went from self-doubting to self-believing. Before working with Missy, I was having difficulty believing in myself and lacked a clear vision. Now, I trust that I know what to do and I feel empowered to take more risks and put myself out there more. Working with Missy enabled me to realize that my doubts were coming from my own assumptions, not facts or reality. Everything is starting to align. I think more now about steps and processes that make my visions a reality. I see things from a new perspective now. ” 

Client Successes

Tatum Perez, TXT Training by Tatum LLC